Thursday, March 15, 2007

SEO, Links and More

Ok, so you find yourself completely lost when it comes to SEO? Maybe your wondering what the heck is SEO anyway? SEO stands for search engine optimization. It's something you should get familiar with if your not already.

When you start a online business, it's important for people to be able to find you. Visualize a needle in a haystack and that is what a new business is like when it is not listed in search engines. Granted, if you have a few links from other sites to your site you may get some hits from those links but you'd really be missing a lot more traffic and possibly sales if you aren't listed in the search engines.

So just how do you get your site listed in search engines? Well, the answer isn't a real simple one. It's a matter of good site content, meta tags, key words, patience and with some search engines and directories, a little luck never hurts.

Instead of me giving you step by step instructions (as what works for one site may not be the best options for another) I'm going to give you some things to research and learn. Go to and type in the following subjects. With the results you'll undoubtably find some good reading on just how to get your web site search engine ready and ways to submit your site.

1. Meta Tags
2. Key Words
3. Search Engine Submission
4. SEO
5. How to get my web site listed in search engines
6. Incoming and one way links

Try those and see what you come up with. Watch out for information overload. It's better to take baby steps and concentrate on one of those above terms and once you fully understand it, move on to the next one.

Happy SEO'ing!

Your Friend and Fellow E-preneur,

Kelle Arvay

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