Monday, March 19, 2007

Don't Like Monday's?

Ahhh, Monday's. Don't you just love Monday's? I hear some grumbling out there. Now wait, Monday's can be actually the best day of the week!

No, I'm not delusional and no I didn't have too much caffeine this morning. The fact of the matter is that Monday's, while probably the busiest day of the week for me, actually gets my business engine warmed up. In that I mean that diving into work on Monday sets the precedence for the rest of the week and I find that I'm more productive for the rest of the week. I also find that tackling some of the "must do" things on Monday opens up the rest of the week to tackle projects I'm working on. Besides, getting those Monday tasks done gives me a sense of accomplishment and that's always a good feeling. Wouldn't you agree?

Over the last year I've really found that I've established a good routine when it comes to work tasks. If you feel like your all over the map, try setting certain days for certain tasks and you'll find you'll be more productive, more organized and not feel as scattered.

Have a positive outlook on Monday morning and the rest of your week will follow in a positive manner.

Your Friend and Fellow E-preneur,

Kelle Arvay

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