Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Have you created a Squidoo lens yet?

You might be thinking, what in the world is Squidoo? Maybe you have never heard of it, let alone know how to pronounce it. Well, Squidoo is best discribed as a free site where you can create a part blog, part revenue generating, part....well, it's like a web 2.0 all-in-one site really.

On Squidoo you can create what is called lenses. A lense is a page that you add various content to such as links, posts (like blog posts), product recommendations (you get paid a percentage of the purchases), videos, etc. It's actually quite neat overall.

While your not going to pay your mortgage using Squidoo, it certainly is a place where you can continue to promote your business and get the word out. Best of all, it's free!

So check it out if you haven't already and see how quickly you can build a lens, or many lenses on various topics if you like. Visit Squidoo to get started.

If you'd like to peek at my lenses you can see them here:

Your Friend and Fellow Epreneur,

Kelle Arvay

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love squidoo and have created several lenses. It is great and it really works.