Sunday, February 04, 2007

How you can offset your hosting costs

Depending on the type of hosting your business requires will depend on what your paying in monthly or yearly fees. My businesses require a private server and unlimited bandwidth, which doesn't come cheaply. However, quality and reliability are the number one priority for me. So I'm willing to pay more for that.

However, if your finding that your hosting fees are sucking the economic life right out of your business, there is a couple things you can do depending on the type of business you run and the actual makeup of your website.

One would be to offset or completely pay for your hosting fees by integrating Adsense on your sites. If you go this route keep in mind the visual effect Adsense can have on your web site and how your visitors and customers will view the advertisements.

As long as you integrate the Adsense ads in a way that is not deceptive in order to get visitors to click on them unknowingly and as long as they visually fit into your site template well, this option can work well. Which can generate enough income to pay for your hosting completely and then some or at least help offset the cost of your hosting.

Another option is if your site is highly ranked in search engine results and/or you have a large mailing list subscriber base. You can consider offering advertising on your site to related business sites or advertising on your mailing list.

With either of these just remember that your customers, visitors and mailing list subscribers are your businesses life blood. Do not accept just any advertising. Because you want to be very selective what ads you place in front of your visitors and customers. Do not show them garbage advertising or ads that are totally unrelated to your own business. These type of ads will simply annoy them.

Good luck and consider the options mentioned to help offset the cost of your hosting which in turn will increase your business profits.

Your Friend and Fellow Epreneur,

Kelle Arvay

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