Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Good Thing I Don't Have To Take Sick Days

One of the many benefits of working from home is not having to watch those alloted sick days you get when working for Corporate America.

Take today for instance, I am just downright sick. Suprized I am even sitting here typing this. Hopefully it's just a 24-48 hour bug and tomorrow I'll be better. In any case it got me to thinking about how fortunate I am to work from home. Ofcourse I count my blessings often but being sick just prompted another reminder of another benefit of working from home. If I were working for someone else I would of had to call in sick today and therefore used up one of my sick days.

Running a business from home allows me to take sick days whenever I need to either for myself or for my children without having to keep tally. Which is a wonderful perk. Granted, I don't get sick very often thankfully but it's nice to know that should I or one of my children, that I don't have to worry. Not to mention other things that come up like dentist appointments, errands, etc., and having the ability to set my own hours is truly a blessing.

With that said, I'm off to lay down for a bit and hopefully feel a little better this evening to get some work related things done.

Your friend and fellow E-preneur,
Kelle Arvay

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