Thursday, April 05, 2007

The Benefits Of Creating Promotional Partnerships

Promotional partnerships can be very powerful tools in the world of online business. When you partner with other businesses with similar target markets you essentially are expanding your potential customer base and reach.

It's important to be selective when establishing such partnerships. Be sure the partnership will be beneficial to both of you. For example, if your business sells crafts and you partner with a business that sells automotive parts, there is no benefit in that because the target audiences are so different. People looking for automotive parts are not likely to be interested in the crafts you offer. So use good business sense when seeking out or accepting partnership offers from other businesses.

Promotional partnerships can come in several forms. This could be simply exchanging web site links with one another. But more often the partnership will involve a little more than just a link exchange. Many partnerships will involve the following:

1. Prominent link exchange
2. Visible banner placement
3. Newsletter advertising exchange
4. Special product announcements or significant partner news

It's important to seek out partnerships with businesses that are established and that already have a good customer base. This could be based on the amount of traffic their web site is receiving or the number of opt in subscribers to their mailing list. It won't do your business a huge amount of good if you partner with a business that had been online for a couple years but has very little traffic or subscribers. So keep that in mind.

I'll share ways on just how to go about finding such partnerships with you in the near future.

Your Friend and Fellow E-preneur,

Kelle Arvay

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