Thursday, December 07, 2006

How Laughter Can Enhance Your Work Day

If you work from home you may find it quite easy to work longer hours than the adverage "9 to 5 er" would. I know I do and I have to remind myself to take frequent breaks during the day. As well as set aside evening time for my family. Sometimes that's not as easy as it sounds.

So how does the topic of laughter relate to this post? Well, today I had a unplanned break when I found myself checking my AOL e-mail. Something on their news page caught my eye and I was quickly sidetracked from what I was actually suppose to be doing...reading e-mail.

So anyhow, I read this title for a news article "Flatulence Leads to Grounding of Plane" from the Associated Press. Ofcourse how in the world could you see a title like that and not read the news article for it?

Before I clicked it to start reading it, I'm imagining all types of scenerios in which flatulence could actually cause a plane to be grounded. Could it have been that all the passengers ate something that didn't agree with them? Thus, resulting in such a overwhelming amount of flatulence that it permeated the entire plane including the cockpit? Perhaps causing the pilots to have to land because they simply couldn't bare it any longer?

Well, as you can see it wasn't quite what I imagined but there certainly is a comical element to the story and after a good giggle and sympathy for those involved, I was ready to get back to work.

Your Friend and Fellow E-preneur,
Kelle Arvay

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